Thursday, July 25, 2019

All You Need to Know About Supplementing with Magnesium

magnesium vitamins supplements

Being a natural component of every cell in the human body and essential for more than 300 internal processes that go on all the time to sustain life, makes magnesium a superstar mineral. But given the fact that our bodies don't produce magnesium naturally, means that you can obtain this nutrient only by supplementing it. That being said let's look at why supplementing with magnesium is recommended.

What is Magnesium?

Magnesium is an essential mineral, one of seven essential macro-minerals that the human body needs it in large quantities. Magnesium is involved in tons of processes throughout the body. It's included in the process of converting food into energy, DNA synthesis, in keeping your heart beating steadily and your immune system strong and regulating enzymes and hormones. Your muscles also need it to contract and nerves need it to send and receive messages.

And although we can get some of the needed amount of magnesium from magnesium-rich foods including green leafy vegetables, whole grains, beans and nuts, for many people it's more convenient to take magnesium vitamin supplement in order to make sure they are getting enough of this essential mineral. Magnesium is available in many forms some of which are more easily absorbed by the others. Forms of magnesium that dissolve well in liquid are more completely absorbed in the gut than less soluble forms. Magnesium in the aspartate, citrate, lactate, and chloride form is absorbed more completely and is more bioavailable than magnesium oxide and magnesium sulfate.

Who Might be Missing Out on Magnesium

In general, most people can benefit from taking magnesium vitamin supplement as it can help anyone to maintain normal nerve and muscle function, supports a healthy immune system, keep the heartbeat steady, help bones remain strong and maintain good health. But some factors may increase the body’s demand for magnesium and in that case it's highly recommended to be taken as supplement. Let's say if you are experiencing sleeping disorder, magnesium can be taken at night as it can help relax the muscles in the body so you can fall asleep. Also taking magnesium can be effective at helping control the blood pressure in people that are suffering from type 2 diabetes. Magnesium can be taken by women when experiencing muscle cramps, like when having painful menstrual periods or leg cramps during pregnancy. Athletes that want to improve their performance can also benefit from taking magnesium supplements.

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