Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Everything You Need to Know About Wind Energy


Wind energy gives many benefits, which is why it's one of the fastest-growing energy sources in the world. Given the fact that it's environmentally friendly and that uses only the force of nature, this type of energy creation is the future of our planet.

A wind turbine is a machine that transforms kinetic energy from the wind into electricity. The blades of a wind turbine rotate between 13 and 20 revolutions per minute, at a constant or changeable speed, where the speed of the rotor changes in relation to the speed of the wind in order to reach higher efficiency.

Wind power is one of the main energy sources in Australia. If you check wind turbines Australia sites, you’ll see that the continent is quite abundant with them. The southern coastline extends in the roaring forties and many sites have average wind speeds above 8 or 9 m/s at turbine centre height.

What is Wind Energy?

Wind power or wind energy is the process of creating electricity using the wind. In other words, airflow that occurs naturally in the earth’s atmosphere is used to create energy. Today wind turbines take kinetic energy from the wind and generate electricity.

Here are the three main types of wind energy:

Utility-scale wind – these type of wind energy ranges in size from 100 kilowatts to several megawatts, where the electricity is transferred to the power grid and distributed to the user by electric businesses or power system operators.

Distributed or "small" wind - These are small wind turbines below 100 kilowatts that are used for direct power of a home, farm or small business and are not connected to the grid.

Offshore wind - Wind turbines that are built on large bodies of water, usually on the continental shelf. Offshore wind turbines are bigger than coastal turbines and can make more power.

 How Do Wind Turbines Work

Wind turbines work quite simple. They turn the propeller-like blades of a turbine around a rotor, which turns a generator, and that is how electricity is created. The wind is a form of solar energy caused by a mix of three events - the sun intermittently heating the atmosphere, rotation of the earth and irregularities of earth's surface.

The terms "wind energy" and "wind power" refer to the process by which the wind is used to produce mechanical power. This mechanical power can be used for precise tasks like grinding grain or pumping water. Or, the generator can change this mechanical power into electricity.

A wind turbine will turn wind energy into electricity by using the aerodynamic force from the rotor blades, which work as an aeroplane wing. When wind flows over the blade, the air pressure lowers on one side of the blade. The difference in air pressure over the two sides of the blade makes them both lift and drag. The force of the lift is stronger than the drag and this causes the rotor to rotate. The rotor connects to the generator, directly (if it’s a direct drive turbine) or through a shaft and a set of gears that catalyzes the rotation and provides for a physically smaller generator. This type of aerodynamic force to rotation of a generator produces electricity.

A modern turbine begins generating electricity when wind speed is nine to fourteen kilometres per hour (this is known as cut-in speed). Turbines shut down in case the wind is blowing hard (88 km per hour) to prevent potential equipment damage.

They typically stand at least 80 meters tall. The tubular steel tower holds a core with three mounted blades and a “nacelle” which is the place where the shaft, gearbox, generator and controls are. It collects wind measurements which direct the turbine to turn and endure strong winds. The angle of its blades is optimized to seize energy.

Modern-day turbines can generate usable amounts of electricity more than 90% of the time. If the wind at a turbine achieves the cut-in speed of nine to fourteen km per hour, the turbine will begin to generate electricity and as the wind increases, so does the production of electricity.

What is a Wind Farm?

A large number of wind turbines are built close, which is also known as a wind farm. A wind farm works as a power plant and sends electricity to the grid.

Windmills vs. Wind Turbines

The terms “windmill” and “wind turbine” are used interchangeably, but there are essential differences. People weren’t strangers to windmills; they used them to grind grain, pump water, and do other work. Windmills generate mechanical energy, but they cannot generate electricity. Modern wind turbines are quite evolved machines with over 8,000 parts that harness wind's kinetic energy and turn it into electricity.

How Wind Energy Gets to You

Have you wondered how wind turbines Australia companies provide the energy to you? The turbines in a wind farm are connected so the electricity they produce can travel from the wind farm to the power network. Once wind energy is on the main power network, electric services or power operators will send the electricity to where people need it.

Smaller transmission lines, also known as distribution lines, accumulate electricity generated at the wind project and bring it to larger "network" transmission lines, where the electricity can go long distances to any location it’s needed. Smaller distribution lines transport electricity right to your town, home or business.

Wind turbines can be also installed on private properties,  caravans or boats. Whether it's viable depends mainly on the number of wind resources available in your area. The first thing you need to do is to learn the average wind speed in your area. The average wind speed should be higher than 18km per hour so the wind turbine you install can generate energy. Ideal location for such turbines is the countryside, farms or coasts.

We hope that you expanded your knowledge about wind turbines and electricity. If you live in a windy area in Australia you might be able to install your own wind turbine.


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